Can you afford to ignore workplace pension changes?
Even if you only employ one other person, then the huge changes to the workplace pension landscape that start rolling out this year will have an effect on your business over the next few years. A range of new responsibilities will fall on employers and will have
significant administrative and financial implications on each one.
At our breakfast seminars held in 2011 which covered the impending wave of changes, business owners were left in little doubt as to the impact on their businesses over the next few years.
The consensus was amazement. Not amazement that they hadn’t realised the
magnitude of the wave about to hit employers and business owners like
themselves, but the fact that the room wasn’t full to the gunwales with business
owners getting their heads out of the sand and looking seaward.
There are only two possible explanations for this :
- Each business has already conducted detailed planning on how the workplace pension reforms will affect them and has already started working towards complying with the legislation in readiness for their staging date or is satisfied that they already satisfy the requirements.
- Each business has no idea what the workplace pension reforms are, let alone any idea how they will impact on their business.
Over the coming months we are repeating these seminars and providing up to date information as the goal posts have moved several time since the raft of changes were first announced.
Information covered in the breakfast seminars will include:-
- Details of the forthcoming reforms
- The timetable for implementation
- Auto-enrolment requirements
- Contribution levels
- Qualification of existing pension schemes.
The next seminar will take place at 8am on Thursday 18th October at our offices in Malmesbury. A date for South Wales is still to be
confirmed. To register your interest or find out more – click here