Huw celebrates prestigious CFP certification
We are delighted to announce that our Director and Financial Planner Huw Jones has passed his assessment to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM professional.
The prestigious CFPCM certification is held by less than 1000 professionals in the UK and a global community of 150,000.
The path to becoming a CFP professional is a serious test of an individual’s technical ability as well as their ability to apply their knowledge through the completion of a detailed financial plan. It enables planners to demonstrate the ultimate in added value to their clients and is the only globally recognized mark of excellence in Financial Planning
New regulations brought into force at the start of 2013 by the Financial Services Authority required all Financial Planners to be qualified to Level 4, however this qualification awarded by the Institute of Financial Planning now takes Huw to Level 6.
CFPCM , CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERCM and are certification marks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Institute of Financial Planning is the marks licensing authority for the CFP marks in the United Kingdom, through agreement with FPSB.