How long have you got?
A group of academics have created a questionnaire that claims to assess your risk of death from just a dozen simple questions. The UK Longevity Explorer uses the findings of scientific research carried out by Andrea Ganna and Erik Ingelsson. Their study (click here for a summary), which is published in the Lancet, is the largest of its kind and is based on a national health resource called UK Biobank.
The questionnaire asks not just about smoking and whether you have been diagnosed with cancer or diabetes, but also how many cars you own, whether you have a blue badge, whether you have a sexual partner and what pace you walk at. They say it gives an accurate ‘risk of death’ figure for the following five years.
It only works if you’re aged between 40 and 70 but make sure you’re life policy premiums are paid up to date before you find out how long you’ve got HERE.