We’re building a forest!!!
It’s no secret that the climate is in trouble. It’s widely publicised and in order to help save this thing that we call home, we decided that we needed to do more as a business to reduce our impact on the environment.
We already recycle and are as paperless as possible. The paper that we do use, is shredded on site using a reputable company where all the paper is then recycled. We also use a cleaning company that only use sustainable cleaning products.
But…. For the last two months, we have been working with Ecologi to help do more for our planet.
Ecologi was created so that people like us can actually take on the climate crisis.
For a small monthly fee, Ecologi use this money to invest into a broad range of projects that are able to evidence that they are reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Each month they support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard and equivalent. Their funding strategy is guided by their Climate Committee and follow the Project Drawdown framework.
It is now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial in preventing ecological collapse.
Ecologi have a range of amazing tree planting partners who are able to responsibly plant millions of trees a month on behalf of their community.
Don’t worry – we’ve done our research. They provide evidence to support the activities that are undertaken and this is available for us to view along with evidence of their carbon reduction.
So far we have planted 118 trees in our forest and offset 5.3 tonnes of CO2e.
We know that we aren’t perfect, but we are trying to help where we can. This is a great start for us and we look forward to growing our forest and seeing the impact we’ve had on the planet.
If you would like to know more than we have lots of resources that we can share so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.