Our approach to money – Anne’s Story
Over the next few weeks, we as a team are going to be sharing with you our experiences with money and how it has helped shape how we approach money.
You will discover that none of us have been perfect (we are human after all), but we’ve found ways that didn’t work and we’re laying it all bare for you to read.
Today we are sharing Anne’s story…
“When I started off earning money, initially from my part time job at a Newsagent – I used to use the money for things like going out and enjoying myself.
As I got older I worked during the holidays from University in my local pub. Again using the money for enjoying myself and socialising.
In my first graduate job I was very lucky to have been given as part of my package a brand new purple Renault Clio. My first ever car, apart from using my parents one, which was not brand new. Then as life moved on I bought a house (on my own) with my savings that I had put together over the years with a little help from my Grandma’s inheritance and my parents.
I really loved the independence but honestly struggled with the reality of all the bills with my wage. So….. I ended up moving back home to my parents to save for another house with my partner.
In my younger years I was very good at saving and that sadly came to an end when I became ill. It is quite true to say that life events sometimes take you down a path you never anticipated and money management therefore became much more difficult.
A few houses down the line, a few different cars and now a child to look after – savings can be quite elusive. No-one ever prepares you for the realities of parenthood, let alone when you end up with a 11 year old who is obsessed with skincare.
My approach to money now is that it is an integral part of our journey and one that I am keen to share with my daughter to help her navigate the world.”