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In our journey to become the best version of ourselves, we often encounter obstacles that hinder our progress. These obstacles can be subtle and pervasive, making it difficult to recognise and overcome them. Here are six things that might be stopping you from reaching your full potential:
- Not Saying No: If you’re constantly saying yes to everything, you might be spreading yourself too thin. By saying yes to one thing, you’re essentially saying no to something else. If an opportunity or request isn’t a “hell yeah,” it should be a no. Learn to prioritise your own plans and goals over others’ demands. Ask yourself: Are you the star of your own movie, or just an extra in someone else’s?
- Avoiding Chaos: Growth happens outside your comfort zone, which is inherently chaotic. If you’re avoiding chaos, you’re avoiding growth. Embrace the chaos, as it’s a necessary part of the learning process. Remember, failure only occurs when you give up. Each setback is just another step closer to success.
- Poor Habits: Your habits shape your future. If you don’t take care of your body and mind, you won’t have the energy to achieve your goals. A healthy mind and body are interdependent. Fuel both to ensure you have the strength and clarity to reach your big achievements.
- Unsupportive Environment: The people and places around you significantly influence your success. Surround yourself with those who support your goals and create an environment conducive to your growth. Those who care about you will support your journey, while those who don’t will only hold you back.
- Too Many Goals: Having too many goals can dilute your focus and effort. Write down all your goals and prioritise them. Focus on the most important one and eliminate distractions. Time, unlike money, cannot be earned back once spent. Maximise your time by concentrating on what truly matters.
- Relying on Motivation: Motivation is fleeting and unreliable. The key to success is not motivation but action. Build a framework that keeps you going even when motivation wanes. Establishing habits will create the momentum you need to keep moving forward. Over time, consistent action will fuel your motivation.
To conclude, I’ll leave you with a thought from Gary Keller’s book, “The One Thing”: What’s the one thing you can do such that by doing it, everything else becomes easier or unnecessary? Focus on that one thing, and watch as the barriers to your success begin to fall away.