Looking at you, looking at us

By Huw Jones

Today I spent a few minutes looking at our digital reach dashboard.  This shows us what’s hot and what’s not in our online channels in the last month.  The numbers from July made some interesting reading…

24.3% of traffic from Google were from people looking for us – Proposito Financial Planning.  That’s great because it means our marketing is being seen – and more importantly – people want to find out more about us. We’re chuffed with that.

20.7% of of the traffic from Google are clicking through to our most popular blog – about the 2012 Olympics!

But the most important stat is that 15.2% of of Google searches coming though to the Proposito Financial Planning website are looking for information relating to workplace pension reform.  At last employers and business owners are starting to realise that there’s something big happening and they need to act now.

Just in case you’re not sure what all this means here’s a brief summary:

All businesses will be required to provide a workplace pension scheme for all the eligible employees. They will be required to automatically enrol them into it within one month of them being eligible to join the scheme.  They must also make employer contributions to the scheme (and collect and pay in employee contributions).  Small businesses will be required to comply with this legislation from as early as March 2014 . The actual staging dates for employers with less than 50 employees depend on the last two digits of the employers’ PAYE reference number.

The first stage in planning for this new legislation is to find your staging date. Click HERE for the list of dates.