Make a Will while saving peoples lives

By Proposito Team

Wills are always the last thing on people’s minds……something to get around to one day.

But what happens if there isn’t another day, what then? If you expect everything to go to your spouse you could be wrong. The rules of Intestacy are quite clear and there are limits on the amount your spouse will inherit in certain circumstances. If you don’t have a Will or if it needs updating then this month is the ideal time to have one written. If you have already made a Will, it is still worth checking it is valid as marriage will revoke any previous Will.


The reason why there is no better time than this month to do it, is because of a special campaign that provides the perfect opportunity for people to get on and make that all important Will, whilst giving to charity at the same time.

Will Aid gives you the opportunity to see a Solicitor who will write your Will for free in exchange for you making a donation to charity. The suggested minimum donation is £85 for a basic Will and £125 for a pair of basic mirror Wills and £40 for a codicil). There are nine charities involved including Save the Children, British Red Cross and NSPCC.

See or further details and information on participating solicitors.