Saving trees in the paperless office

By Proposito Team

In the day and age of the ‘paperless’ office everyone (including us!) can still be found guilty of using too much paper. However we have still found a way to give back and remain compliant by shredding and recycling securely our unwanted paper. In the past 3 years we have saved 29 trees.  This may not sound a huge amount but  says that each tree “offsets” your environmental impact by breathing in about 1 tonne of CO2 emissions over its lifetime. With an estimate that the average person needs to save about 7 tonnes of CO2 per annum, the 29 trees we have saved is a start.

This is only part of our progress towards reducing our paper usage and working in a more environmentally friendly way. With the continued development of online technology and the use of ‘Wrap’ platforms,  it is now possible to interact with, inform and update our clients quickly and effectively without using paper or anyone having to travel.  These new developments, not only help us to work more efficiently but also provide huge benefits to our clients by reducing their own paperwork, and saving them time and money.

We all need to do our bit to help the environment, so why not help conserve our trees and think before you print!