Small – but Mighty!
So, what are the benefits to being a smaller business rather than a larger one?
Regardless of the size of the company, if you look deeper, it is all about the personal approach.
“To think Big – start Small”; “From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow.” These are just a few quotes that describe small businesses, people and children.
Small business is a collection of small efforts you put in the starting of your business to get the higher achievements later on.
When there is a team effort, it is a conscious feeling of pulling together. Here at Proposito we work together and are a close-knit team.
In the small level of business, you need to make efforts day by day. That’s why good communication is so powerful. Even though we are small in size at Proposito, we always strive to be aware of work that is being progressed and use transparent communication.
To work in a smaller company, gives us as staff more responsibility and empowerment, and as clients gives a more personal approach.
In the world of Financial Services, it is really important to treat people as people rather than a number and that is what we achieve at Proposito.
Running a small business requires taking some risks, including failure, in order to be successful.
A small company can react faster, build creative solutions, and still stay inside their own lane.
If you’d like to understand a bit more about your finances and the future they will enable for you, why not book a FREE initial call with us HERE, e-mail or call 01285 708444.